steps to get the love you deserve

Love is a strong emotion. It can nourish, energize, encourage, and make you feel that life is still beautiful, love is the essence of who we are and the nucleus of our existence. When there is love, there is no fear, anger, or hatred. We crave love as it is our right.
steps to get the love you deserve
1- Love yourself before anyone else
Self-confidence also gives you a special charm, so be sure to trust yourself and give them the love you deserve before looking for someone who gives you love from the outside.
2- Do not be lazy
At present, we tend to be lazy and do anything online, rather than going out to eat in an open space. We prefer to order a "delivery". Instead of going shopping, we prefer to buy online, which reduces the chances of meeting new people.
3- Expand your social circle
Do not restrict and close yourself, but expand your social circle and broaden your horizons. Join groups that do different activities, or even go to a gym. Do everything that can make you enjoy your time and at the same time make you meet many people.
4- Do not change yourself to get someone
When you meet someone you consider the right person, do not ever think about changing something in your personality or pretending to please that person, be yourself and be your nature.
5- If you do not like it, skip it
In many cases, the person we meet is not convincing to us or simply displeased and not the person we are looking for, but nevertheless, we try again and give him another chance, but George Watts warns that this is a big mistake. You really want and do not waste time trying to convince yourself of someone who has not caught your attention from the start.
6- Calm down and stop anticipating events
In the first encounter with a person planning to connect with him, many girls think about whether he will be asked to meet her again or not, anticipating the events and whether she likes it or not, how she will judge her, and other things that make her look so tense. Watts advises you to avoid him.
7- Tell everyone you're not connected
If you came out of a previous relationship, everyone around you knew about it, or even if you felt that your previous actions gave the impression that someone was occupying your heart you did not think about the link. Most people in your circle must know that you are not connected. The place is believed to be vacant.
8- Look for a hobby
The passion for something gives the person special magic and special, so try to search for your favorite hobby and engage in any activities related to this hobby, in this way identify people with interests close to you and almost at the same time satisfy your passion for something you love, which increases your personality magic.
9- Stop to think about the future
On the level of unconsciousness, we constantly monitor the potential partner of life, but we always need to make it happen more consciously and pause a bit to think about the future and what we want from it, what we want from the emotional relationship and whether we want a long commitment or not.
Remember, you will always get the love you deserve even in learning to love yourself and convince yourself that you deserve the highest and best form of love, you will finally be able to get true love after setting your standards and what love means to you, and it will come!