I still don't know what goes through women's heads

I was in love for fifty years
I still don't know what goes through
women's heads
What do they think?
How do they plan?
How do they
arrange their things?
How do they train their breasts?
Invasion and plunder
Peace and war
And death in
Pride Square
I read a book about femininity, letter by letter
I have not yet learned
anything about the alphabet
I still feel that I love you in the time of
Then henna your hair using pre-Islamic methods
I still
feel that passion is in the land of Arabism
It is nothing but an ignorant
I spent half my life on Nahdik Street
I still don't know
where the exit door is
Where are the ends of this space?
I still don't know how Nahd is threatened by childhood
Security of men
and security of heaven
I moved between bottles of your perfume for fifty
Between the groves of your hair is fifty years
There are fifty
years between the measurements of your waist
I still don't know how to
decipher the letters of the alphabet
How do I untie braids?
How do I
remove the pins from it?
The hour of judgment has struck and winter tears have flowed
Vicki got
deeply, deeply involved
Until I reached the state of manifestation
the state of identification
And the solutions
And the state of the
yard and I still don't know what the difference is
Between the smell of a
female body and the smell of chestnut
I entered the school of love fifty years ago
From there I left with a
hidden longing
I took a Sufism lesson from scratch
The lesson of
austerity was zero
And the lesson of contentment is zero
And the
lesson of humility is zero
The lesson of romantic love is zero
But I
only excelled in studying madness
Love haunts me until my death
Is it my destiny to be Al-Hussein, and are
your lips Karbala?
The woman wore a shirt on me
I thought my shirt
was silk
And when the cold and the snow came
I made sure I wore open